Aster's website

A subtitle for your page goes here

How to use this layout

To use this layout, you can just copy paste the HTML, along with the CSS in side-menu.css, and the JavaScript in ui.js. The JS file uses vanilla JavaScript to simply toggle an active class that makes the menu responsive.

Tis me

One would say that I'm a goblin. And honestly ? they wouldn't be wrong.

This website is still in progress, and it will probably take some time to be completed. But my goal is to put my drawings here, some of wy writings (maybe both in French and English), some useful resources, and maybe other things, i don't know !

Also this is me (kinda)

A page about obtaining physical medias and why it's cool could be very fun mmmmh pouvoir ouvrir les images en grand, flux rss


  • Reading
  • Drawing
  • Writing (sometimes lol)
Peyto Lake
T-Shirt Store

Try Resizing your Browser

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